Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Why Read this Blog ?

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss

Tired of reading books and searching the internet? Bored of listening to people talk about it while you don't understand a word they say?

This blog is just for you.

C is one of the most used computer languages and one of the best ones to begin your programming career. More reasons to learn it are:
  • C is one of the most widely used programming languages of all time 
  • C is great for putting ideas into practice 
  • Closeness to the Machine 
                 When you are working with C, you are working with various aspects like individual bits, pointers, and bytes.

  • Easy to Learn
  • Concepts learnt in C can be extended to other other programming languages
                Most of the new programming languages are influenced by C.

 While some of us are willing to learn but don't know where to start, others are forced into it. There are thousands of books each with millions of examples that you don't seem to understand and doubts you don't know whom to ask. Hence i have started this blog to share what ever i have learnt about C programming in the last 4 years. This blog is intended for the ones who have no prior knowledge of computer programming and also for the ones who what to learn more.

Before we start programming there are a few rules for this blog which will help u traverse the posts easily.
Check the next post by clicking here.

For those who want to know more on which books to refer, i recommend The C Programming Language (Ansi C Version). This is the cheapest book one can find and written by the person who created the C language.

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